About Me

Welcome to A Few of My Favorite Things!

I started this blog in 2012 to write about animal rights issues. I posted on a range of animal welfare issues which you can find in the archives.

Advocating for animals through this space, I primarily reblog and share news and newsletters from animal organizations and animal welfare experts whose organizations I support and/or blogs I follow. 

We post about animal rights victories, showcase animal rescues and charitable organizations, and share heartwarming animal stories and videos. You’ll also find inspiring quotes, poetry, art, and vegan recipes. I also post about animal injustices like bullfighting, trophy hunting, and puppy mills.

The primary goal with the blog is to promote kindness and compassion for animals, a joyful passion for life, and to share delicious plant-based recipes that everyone will enjoy.

Hope you enjoy my blog! Thanks for reading.

Warm regards,
