Let’s Celebrate Spring!

It’s snowing outside this first day of spring here in Ontario, Canada, but still I feel such joy that this beautiful season of revival has finally arrived. Spring is all about new beginnings and endless possibilities. It’s hard not to get excited about Spring.

Spring Softies” by Lisa Audit, a Canadian artist with a love for nature and the world of decorating. Her artwork can be found, not only on the wall, but on many household items and everyday products around the home. While a majority of her earlier work was painted with oil on canvas, she has rediscovered the beauty of watercolors and has brought a fresh, clean, and inviting look to her artwork. In 2014, Lisa made the charming and inspiring town of Quebec City her home and looks forward to painting her love of nature and the outdoors for years to come. Visit her website here

One of My Favorite Spring Quotes by Naturalist John Muir

“How deep our sleep last night in the mountain’s heart, beneath the trees and stars, hushed by solemn-sounding waterfalls and many soothing voices in sweet accord whispering peace!

“And our first pure mountain day, warm, calm, cloudless — how immeasurable it seems, how serenely wild! I can scarcely remember its beginning. Along the river, over the hills, in the ground, in the sky, spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm, new life, new beauty, unfolding, unrolling in glorious exuberant extravagance — new birds in their nests, new winged creatures in the air, and new leaves, new flowers, spreading, shining, rejoicing everywhere.”

John Muir (1838-1914) is often called the “Father of the National Parks.” In 1890, due in large part to his efforts, an act of the US Congress created Yosemite National Park. Muir was also personally involved in the creation of Sequoia, Mount Rainier, Petrified Forest, and Grand Canyon national parks. The idea of national parks eventually spread worldwide.

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